Practicing your Guitar

Practicing your Guitar

Thoughts on getting the most out of your practice

Time is everybody’s enemy!

Young or old, time does NOT discriminate – and a good musical definition of time is: “time is the rate at which the future becomes the present” – so let’s get on with it, because none of us are getting any younger! 😉

While finding time to practice everyday can be a challenge; it is important to find time – every day to do so! Practicing a little everyday, will yield more satisfactory results than practicing ‘in bulk’ on Saturday!

I like to practice:

  1. my scales first for warm-up
  2. then move into the main work out
  3. finish up going through some fav tunes

As we go through our lessons, you will discover the right practice session for you and your goals.

Good Luck and happy Jammin’