Rick Richbourg

Privacy Policy

Personal Info
rickrichbourg.com has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for Rickrichbourg.com. We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our Web site. Your IP address is used to help identify you and your shopping cart and to gather broad demographic information.

Our site’s CD order form requires users to give us contact information (like their name and email address). We use customer contact information from the registration form to send the user information about our company and promotional materials. When you order with rickrichbourg.com, we will ask you for additional personal information such as your address, phone number, etc. rickrichbourg.com is concerned about keeping any information you provide to us private. The information collected is for rickrichbourg.com only and will not be bartered, traded or sold.

We use an outside ad company to display ads on our site. These ads may contain cookies. While we use cookies in other parts of our Web site, cookies received with banner ads are collected by our ad company, and we do not have access to this information. Some customer data is shared with the advertising companies.

How we utilize the information we receive from you:

It may be necessary to use the information provided by you to fulfill product orders you place. We may use such information to respond to any inquiries you submit. We may keep a copy of any correspondence. When any individual contacts us via e-mail, we do not add their e-mail address to our mailing list (unless you have given us permission). We also use the information to fulfill requests or place you on our emailing list if you so request.

We will NEVER make a list of postal addresses available to other companies. We do not share e-mail addresses we have on file. We respect your right to privacy.

Cookies and how we use them
A cookie is a text file containing a unique ID number that is transferred from the web site to your computer’s browser. This allows the web site to track site navigation by its visitors. A cookie does not allow us to access any information about you that you have not previously volunteered.

rickrichbourg.com uses cookies to:
Enable you to use any shopping cart feature we may use to place a product order online. If your browser is not set to accept cookies, the shopping cart will not function properly.

Most browsers are already set to accept cookies; however, you may choose to reset your browser. Please understand that certain areas within our web sites may not perform correctly if your browser will not accept cookies.

Our commitment to security:
At rickrichbourg.com, we have electronic and internal policy procedures in place to guarantee the privacy of every order placed online.

All information, once on our server, is protected from any external intrusions. Once your order is processed, we will not retain your credit card number in our online systems.

If you still do not wish to provide your credit card information for an online order, you may opt to phone, fax, or mail your order to us. All phone numbers and addresses are listed below.

Contact us
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this statement, please contact us using our contact center.

You may address any Internet-related correspondence at our Online Contact Center or:

DWI Records
Rick Richbourg
PO Box 560882
Orlando, Florida 32856

Phone orders
Phone: 1-407-481-8845

Mail Orders
DWI Records
PO Box 560882
Orlando, Florida 32856

Safe shopping on the Internet

We at rickrichbourg.com want your time on our web site to be as enjoyable. We employ several methods to keep your information private and secure throughout the ordering process. We value your patronage and input.

Here are a few suggestions that we think are helpful when conducting any transactions over the Internet:

Use a secure browser. Never consider your information private unless you are using a browser equipped with a secure mode. Information on the Internet can be accessed from the time it leaves your computer to the time it reaches its destination when not encrypted.

Always know who you are purchasing from.
Do not hesitate to ask questions, including those regarding how they process your order and keep your information secure and private. If they really want your business they will answer these questions. If you are unsure of a business, please do some research. These few steps can assist you in having a very enjoyable Internet experience. Commerce on the Internet can be very economical and convenient, both for the business and you, the customer.